
Google Site Kit

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Google merilis plugin khusus bagi pengguna WordPress bernama Google Site Kit. Dalam plugin ini kalian dapat mengakses data Google Search Console, Analytic, Page Speed Insight dan Adsense. Yang selama ini fitur-fitur tersebut terpecah di beberapa plugin yang juga bukan besutan Google. Sekarang jadi satu. Dengan demikian, setiap saat kita dapat dengan mudah melihat korelasi antar data yang disajikan oleh fitur-fitur tersebut.

Seperti Google Analytic yang menyajikan perilaku kunjungan di website, dengan data penghasilan iklan di Adsense kemudian dampak dari kecepatan website yang bisa kita lihat di PageSpeed Insight.

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Google Site Kit

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Google released a special plugin for WordPress users called Google Site Kit.
In this plugin you can access Google Search Console, Analytic, Page Speed Insight and Adsense data.
So far, these features are divided into several plugins that are also not made by Google.
Now it’s all in one.
Thus, at any time we can easily see the correlation between the data presented by these features.

Like Google Analytic which presents the behavior of visits on the website, with ad revenue data in Adsense then the impact of website speed that we can see in PageSpeed Insight.

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