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2006, when I was in junior high school, very few of my...
2006, when I was in junior high school, very few of my...
2006, saat saya masih dibangku smp, sedikit sekali teman-teman yang berminat untuk...
If you’ve ever even slightly heard of the movements of indie music...
Jika kalian pernah sedikit saja mendengar pergerakan dari beberapa grup musik indie...
This morning was a record since two thousand seventeen was running. For...
Pagi ini adalah rekor sejak dua ribu tujuh belas berjalan. Untuk pertama...
Employees are entitled to time off with pay in several qualifications. This...
Karyawan berhak atas libur dengan upah dalam beberapa kualifikasi. Hal ini diatur...
Every year, companies that fall under article 2 paragraph (2) of Law...