Adobe Audition, Tutorial

Remove Vocal Sounds – Adobe Audition

1 min read

Removing Vocal Sounds can be done with Adobe Audition.
This software is quite popular.

Adobe Audition is an application specifically designed to make it easier for us to process data in the form of songs and recordings.
Where one of the reliability of this application is, it can be used as a tool to eliminate the singer’s vocals in karaoke songs (leaving only the musical instruments).

Yes, as the title suggests, this time I will provide a tutorial on how to remove vocals from songs.
You can follow these steps:

1. Open the Adobe Audition application, it will look like the following image (I use Adobe Audition CS 6)

2. Click the File menu, then select Open

3. Select the song you want to remove the vocals from, click Open, and wait a few seconds for the insertion process to finish.

4. After that, click on the left cenel in the Effect Rack-Stereo Imagery-Center Channel Extractor menu.
If there is a warning just click Ok.

5. In the Presets section, select Vocal Remove.
Then just close the Center Channel

6. Then click Apply to apply the given effect.

7. Wait for the process to finish.
Then click the File-Export-File menu tab or the quick way by pressing Ctrl+Shift+E.

8. You can also set your save location, song format, song type as you wish.
I recommend setting it as normal hehe.

9. Then click Ok.

10. After all these steps are complete, then click the File-Close menu tab or by pressing the Ctrl+W key.

11. One more.
If there is a warning click No.

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