Glory be to Allah, Who made His servant travel one night from the Sacred Mosque to the Sacred Mosque, which We have beautified around it, that We may show him some of Our signs.
Verily, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.
[QS Al-Isra’ : 1]
سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَى بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلا مِنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الأقْصَى الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ لِنُرِيَهُ مِنْ آيَاتِنَا إِنَّه هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ
Allah has started this Surah by glorifying Himself and describing the greatness of His role because His power transcends everything that no one but Him alone is capable of.
So there is no Rabb but Allah.
الَّذِي أَسْرَى بِعَبْدِهِ
who has made a journey for His servant [QS Al-Isra’ : 1]
The servant is the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
one night [QS Al-Isra’ : 1]
That is, in the darkness of the night.
مِنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ
from Al-Masjidil Haraam [QS Al-Isra’ : 1]
The Grand Mosque is located in the city of Makkah.
إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الأقْصَى
to Al-Masjidil Aqshaa [QS Al-Isra’ : 1]
Namely Baitul Muqaddas which is located in the region of Elijah (Jerusalem), the place of origin of the previous Prophets since Prophet Abraham Alaihissalam.
That’s why all the Prophets were gathered at the Aqsa Mosque on that night.
Then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) led them in prayer.
This shows that the Prophet Muhammad is the greatest imam and the leader of the Prophets who comes first.
May peace and blessings be upon them all.
الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ
which We have blessed its surroundings [QS Al-Isra’ : 1].
That is, crops and fruits (grown in the vicinity).
لِنُرِيَهُ مِنْ آيَاتِنَا
so that We may show him some of Our signs [QS Al-Isra’ : 1].
That is, We showed Muhammad some of the greatest signs of Our power.
In another verse, Allah says:
لَقَدْ رَأَى مِنْ آيَاتِ رَبِّهِ الْكُبْرَى
Surely he has seen some of the greatest signs of his Lord.
[QS An-Najm: 18]
إِنَّه هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ
Verily, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.
[QS Al-Isra’ : 1]
Allah hears all the words of His servants, the believers and the disbelievers, the believers and the disbelievers among them.
And He is All-Seeing of all their deeds.
So, one day He will give each of them the reward they deserve in this world and in the Hereafter.
Anas ibn Maalik reported to us from Malik ibn Sha’sha’ah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When I was on the side of the House of Allah between sleep and consciousness”.
Then he mentioned: “There was a man among two men who came to me carrying a basin made of gold filled with wisdom and faith, then he cut me open from the top of my chest to the bottom of my stomach, then he washed my stomach with Zamzam water then filled it with wisdom and faith.
Then I was given a white riding animal smaller than a bighal but larger than a donkey named Al-Buraq.
So I set out with Jibril, peace be upon him, until I reached the heavens of the world.
Then it was asked; “Who is this?”.
Jibril replied: “Jibril”.
He was asked: “Who is the person with you?”.
Gabriel replied; “Muhammad”.
Asked again; “Has he been sent?”.
Gabriel replied; “Yes”.
So it was said; “Welcome, the best of those who come have arrived”.
Then I went to Adam (peace be upon him) and greeted him and he said: “Welcome to you from the progeny and the Prophet”.
Then we ascended to the second heaven and were asked; “Who is this?”.
Jibril replied; “Jibril”.
He was asked again; “Who is the person with you?”.
Gabriel replied; “Muhammad”.
Asked again; “Has he been sent?”.
Gabriel replied: “Yes”.
So it was said; “Welcome to him and this is the best of comings”.
Then I went to ‘Iisaa and Yahyaa (peace be upon them) and they said: “Welcome to you from your brother and the Prophet”.
Then we ascended to the third heaven and were asked; “Who is this?”.
Jibril replied; “Jibril”.
He was asked again; “Who is the person with you?”.
Gabriel replied; “Muhammad”.
Asked again; “Has he been sent?”.
Gabriel replied: “Yes”.
So it was said; “Welcome to him and this is the best of arrivals”.
Then I went to Yuusuf (peace be upon him) and greeted him and he said: “Welcome to you from your brother and the Prophet”.
Then we ascended to the fourth heaven and were asked; “Who is this?”.
Jibril replied; “Jibril”.
He was asked again; “Who is the person with you?”.
Gabriel replied; “Muhammad”.
Asked again; “Has he been sent?”.
Gabriel replied: “Yes”.
So it was said; “Welcome to him and this is the best of arrivals”.
Then I went to Idriis (peace be upon him) and greeted him and he said: “Welcome to you from your brother and the Prophet”.
Then we ascended to the fifth heaven and were asked; “Who is this?”.
Jibril replied; “Jibril”.
He was asked again; “Who is the person with you?”.
Gabriel replied; “Muhammad”.
Asked again; “Has he been sent?”.
Gabriel replied: “Yes”.
So it was said; “Welcome to him and this is the best of arrivals”.
Then I went to Haaruun (peace be upon him) and greeted him and he said: “Welcome to you from your brother and the Prophet”.
Then we ascended to the sixth heaven and were asked; “Who is this?”.
Jibril replied; “Jibril”.
He was asked again; “Who is the person with you?”.
Gabriel replied; “Muhammad”.
Asked again; “Has he been sent?”.
Gabriel replied: “Yes”.
So it was said; “Welcome to him and this is the best of comings”.
Then I went to Muusaa ‘Alaihissalam and greeted him and he said: “Welcome to you from your brother and the Prophet”.
When I had finished seeing him, he suddenly burst into tears.
Then I asked him; “Why are you crying?”.
Muusaa replied; “O Lord, this child who was sent after me, his Ummah will enter Paradise with a superior position than who enters Paradise from my Ummah”.
Then we ascended to the seventh heaven and were asked; “Who is this?”.
Jibril replied; “Jibril”.
He was asked again; “Who is the person with you?”.
Gabriel replied; “Muhammad”.
Asked again; “Has he been sent?”.
Gabriel replied: “Yes”.
So it was said; “Welcome to him and this is the best of comings”.
Then I went to Ibraaheem ‘Alaihissalam and greeted him and he said: “Welcome to you from your brother and the Prophet”.
Then I was shown Al-Baitul Ma’mur.
I asked Jibril, and he replied; “This is Al-Baitul Ma’mur, every day seventy thousand angels pray there. If they go out (to pray) none of them return”.
Then I was shown Sidratul Muntaha, which was shaped like a dome with windows like elephant ears.
At its base are four rivers that are inside (called Bathinan) and outside (Zhahiran)”. I asked Jibril and he replied: “Bathinan is in Paradise, while Zhahiran is An-Nail and Al-Furat (two names of rivers in the world).”
Then it was made obligatory upon me to pray fifty times (in a day).
I accepted it until I came to Muusaa ‘Alaihissalam and asked; “What has been made obligatory?”. I replied: “I am required to pray fifty times”. Muusaa said; “I am the one who knows more about people than you. I have tried to deal with Bani Isra’il seriously. And your people will not be able to fulfill the obligatory prayers. So go back to your Lord and ask for leniency”. So I asked for leniency and Allah gave me forty prayers and I accepted them and Muusaa advised me to ask for more leniency, then it repeated like that (Muusaa’s advice) until it was made thirty times then it repeated like that again until it was made twenty times then it repeated again until it became ten then I went to Muusaa and he said the same thing again until it was made five times then I went back to Muusaa and he asked; “What did you get?”.
I replied; “It has been made five times”.
He said the same thing again.
I said; “I have received it well”.
Suddenly a voice exclaimed: “Indeed I have removed this obligation from me and I have made it easy for My servants and I will reward every one good deed (prayer) with ten rewards”.
[HR Al-Bukhaariy no. 2968, and this is the wording of Al-Bukhaariy].