
Online Population Census 2020

1 min read

The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) has a big project this year.
Do you know about it?

2020 Population Census for all Indonesian citizens.
I also just got the news on March 1, 2020.
In fact, this Online Census has started since February 15, 2020.
According to Presidential Regulation NO.62 BPS is responsible for this agenda.
Ideally, BPS should also embrace related institutions optimally to realize the implementation of the online census.
This is the first year that the population census has been conducted online.
There should be more attention from BPS and other related government agencies.

Instead of conducting it online, the news channel has circulated information on the recruitment of up to 36,000 BPS members for the interview/doorto door census agenda in July 2020.
Of course this will have an impact on community participation, which is expected to fill in online.
Even if you don’t fill in there is no information on what impact the related population will experience.
And later there will also be officers who come to the house for the census.

What do you think?

Let’s fill in your data in the 2020 online census

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