Article, Google Analytics

Google Analytics 4 – New Properties

2 min read

We created a new, smarter Google Analytics that builds on the foundation of the App Web properties we introduced in beta last year.
It has machine learning at its core to automatically surface useful insights and give you a complete understanding of your customers across devices and platforms.
It prioritizes privacy by design, so you can rely on Analytics even as industry changes like cookie and identifier restrictions create gaps in your data.

By applying Google’s advanced machine learning models, the new Analytics can automatically alert you to significant trends in your data – such as products experiencing increased demand due to new customer needs.
It even helps you anticipate future actions your customers might take.
For example, it calculates churn probabilities so you can invest more efficiently in retaining customers at a time when marketing budgets are under pressure.
We’re constantly adding new predictive metrics, such as the potential revenue you can earn from specific customer groups.
This lets you create audiences to reach higher-value customers and run analytics to better understand why some customers tend to spend more than others, so you can take action to improve your results.


This new approach also makes it possible to handle legacy advertiser requests.
Since the new Analytics can measure app and web interactions simultaneously, it can include conversions from YouTube engaged views that happen in-app and on the web in reports.
Seeing conversions from YouTube video views along with conversions from Google and non-Google paid channels, and organic channels like Google Search, social, and email, helps you understand the combined impact of all your marketing efforts.

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You’ll also gain a better understanding of your customers across their entire lifecycle, from acquisition to conversion and retention.
This is especially important when people’s needs change rapidly and you have to make real-time decisions to win – and keep – new customers.
Based on your feedback, we simplified and reorganized reporting so you can intuitively find marketing insights based on the part of the customer journey you’re interested in.
For example, you can see what channels drive new customers in the user acquisition report, then use the engagement and retention reports to understand the actions these customers take, and whether they stick around, after converting.


Now is the perfect time to invest in the basics of your digital marketing, such as smarter analytics, so you can be ready for what comes next.
To enable this property in your Google Analytics, click the guide here.

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