
What is Cloudflare?

2 min read

Cloudflare is an American company that provides content delivery network services or commonly known as CDN (Content Delivery Network).

Are you familiar with CDN?
You can read the article here before starting to read about what Cloudflare is.

Read more about CDN, click here.

Cloudflare, which as I said earlier is a content distribution network service provider, can be accessed at The content referred to here is website content such as images, javascript files and css files.
Then why does a service like this exist?
If you have read about the CDN article, this CDN service functions to speed up the loading of a website.
The way CDN works is to distribute website content through networks and data centers around the world.

Like Cloudflare, they have data centers in various parts of the world.
When you register your website with this service, there will be a feature where you can organize your website’s static content to be distributed through Cloudflare.
For example, let’s illustrate.

A. Websites that do not use CDN

  • Your web server is in America.
  • There is a visitor who is in Indonesia.
  • Then the visitor will download the static content of your website on the American server.

B. Websites that use CDN

  • Your web server is in America.
  • You register your website with a CDN service.
  • There is a visitor who is in Indonesia.
  • Then the visitor will download the static content of your website through the closest CDN.
    For example, Singapore.

With this way of working, website loading in displaying web content will be faster due to better content distribution.

In addition to providing content delivery network services, Cloudflare also provides domain provider services, website protection and several other website optimization features.

From several references, I can conclude that Cloudflare is a service that focuses on content delivery network services and website optimization.

How to use this service?
You can read the tutorial here: How to Setup Cloudflare

Do you have a little understanding of what Cloudflare is?
If you have any questions, comment below 🙂

Happy reading and trying!

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