Tutorial, WhatsApp

WhatsApp Multi Device

1 min read

WhatsApp Multi Device telah diumumkan sejak beberapa bulan lalu dan diuji coba oleh WhatsApp. WhatsApp telah resmi meluncurkan versi public beta dari fitur Multi-Device.

Dengan Multi-Device pengguna dapat mengakses WhatsApp di empat perangkat berbeda sekaligus.Mulai dari smartphone, PC, laptop, tablet dll.

Bagian terbaiknya, perangkat utama pengguna tidak perlu terhubung internet agar bisa mengaksesnya di perangkat lain. Jadi walau hp kita mati, atau jaringan internet putus, kita masih bisa memakai di laptop/komputer. Dengan catatan, laptop yg buat akses ada internetnya ya.

Fitur ini menyelesaikan masalah dimana kadang WhatsApp web yang sering digunakan, sering putus nyambung gara-gara koneksi yang buruk. Yok coba fitur beta ini, berikut langkahnya:

  • Logout WhatsApp web di semua perangkat
  • Buka ulang WhatsApp Web
  • Buka Aplikasi WhatsApp di HP
  • Pilih icon titik 3 di pojok kanan
  • whatsapp multi device tutorial
  • Ikuti langkah selanjutnya sesuai di gambar

Langkah terakhir adalah menyambungkan WhatsApp dengan laptop/komputer melalui WhatsApp web. Tetapi bedanya, kalian bisa coba matikan data internet di hp setelah penyambungan berhasil. Dan cek apakah whatsapp di pc/komputer kalian masih dapat diakses.

Selamat mencoba!

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Tutorial, WhatsApp

WhatsApp Multi Device

1 min read

WhatsApp Multi Device has been announced several months ago and tested by WhatsApp.
WhatsApp has officially launched the public beta version of the Multi-Device feature.

With Multi-Device users can access WhatsApp on four different devices at once, ranging from smartphones, PCs, laptops, tablets etc.

The best part is that the user’s primary device does not need to be connected to the internet in order to access it on other devices.
So even if our cellphone dies, or the internet network breaks, we can still use it on a laptop/computer.
With a note, the laptop for access has internet.

This feature solves the problem that sometimes WhatsApp web, which is often used, often disconnects due to a bad connection.
Yok try this beta feature, here are the steps:

  • Logout WhatsApp web on all devices
  • Restart WhatsApp Web
  • Open WhatsApp Application on HP
  • Select the 3-dot icon in the right corner
  • whatsapp multi device tutorial
  • Follow the next steps as shown in the image

The last step is to connect WhatsApp with a laptop/computer via WhatsApp web.
But the difference is, you can try turning off internet data on your cellphone after connecting successfully.
And check whether whatsapp on your pc/computer is still accessible.

Good luck!

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