Php, Tutorial, Wordpress

This Request Takes Too Long to Process

1 min read

This Request Takes Too Long to Process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administrator of this web site to increase ‘Connection Timeout.

Notifikasi tersebut saya dapat ketika install plugin di website wordpress. Proses berlangsung lama dan kemudian muncul notif tersebut. Tentu saja plugin juga tidak berhasil terinstall. Dan setelah mencari referensi, saya mendapatkan satu solusi dari seseorang yang mengalaminya ketika menyusun sebuah aplikasi dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP. Lucunya, dia mendapatkan referensi tersebut dari oarang lain. Dan berhasil 100%. Tetapi sama seperti saya, kami tidak tahu penyebab berhasilnya/erornya karena apa 🙂

Berikut adalah solusinya.

Caranya mengatasi This Request Takes Too Long to Process … cukup sederhana yaitu dengan membuat file .htaccess dan kemudian simpan pada root folder website anda. Atau jika kalian sudah punya file .htaccess tinggal tambahkan script berikut :

<IfModule litespeed
RewriteRule .* – [E=noconntimeout:1]

Selanjutnya silahkan simpan file .htaccess nya dan coba ulang lagi untuk reload halamannya. Semoga berhasil !

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Php, Tutorial, Wordpress

This Request Takes Too Long to Process

1 min read

This Request Takes Too Long to Process, it is timed out by the server.
If it should not be timed out, please contact the administrator of this web site to increase the ‘Connection Timeout.

I got the notification when I installed the plugin on my wordpress website.
The process took a long time and then the notification appeared.
Of course, the plugin was not successfully installed.
And after looking for references, I got one solution from someone who experienced it when compiling an application with the PHP programming language.
The funny thing is, he got the reference from someone else.
And it worked 100%.
But just like me, we don’t know what caused the error 🙂

Here is the solution.

The way to solve This Request Takes Too Long to Process … is quite simple, namely by creating a .htaccess file and then saving it to the root folder of your website. Or if you already have a .htaccess file, just add the following script:

<IfModule litespeed
RewriteRule .* – [E=noconntimeout:1]

Next, please save the .htaccess file and try again to reload the page. Good luck!

Reference :

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