
Practice of Worship for Employees

2 min read
Employees are entitled to time off with pay in several qualifications.
This is regulated in different laws.
One of these is the practice of worship.
Employees are entitled to full pay.
What kind of worship?
Please help, Article 93 paragraph (2) letter e of Law No. 13 / 2003 provides flexibility for employees who want to worship (not more than 3 months).
Questions: 1) what types of worship are permitted?
2) is Umrah one of the permitted acts of worship?
3) Is there a regulation that regulates the above?
Article 93 paragraph (2) letter e of Law No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower (Manpower Law) explains that employers are still obliged to pay wages to workers/laborers when the workers/laborers are unable to do their work because of carrying out their religiously ordered worship.
Furthermore, Article 6 paragraph (4) of Government Regulation No. 8 of 1981 concerning Wage Protection explains that the obligation to pay wages to workers who cannot perform their work because they fulfill their religious worship obligations during the required time provided that it does not exceed three months.
In the explanation of Article 6 paragraph (4) of Government Regulation No. 8 of 1981, it is explained that considering the company’s finances, in the event that the worker performs the worship more than once, the employer is not obliged to pay his wages.
The length of time for workers to carry out their religious worship adjusts the provisions issued by the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs from time to time.
For example, in 1981 the time required to perform the Hajj was 40 days, thus employers were obliged to pay workers’ wages for 40 days.
This regulation applies to religious worship that in that religion is legal or mandatory (Article 80 of the Labor Law).
Meanwhile, for worship that is not mandatory or recommended such as Umrah, etc., it is stipulated in a work agreement, company regulation, or collective labor agreement.
That’s as far as we know.
Hope you find it useful.
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