
Hospital Ethics Committee | KERS

1 min read


The Ethics Committee is a formally constituted body with members from various healthcare disciplines tasked with dealing with various ethical issues that arise within the hospital.
The healthcare disciplines referred to here include physicians (making up the majority of members) of various specialties, nurses, social workers, clergy, hospital administration representatives, community representatives, ethicists, and legal experts.
Ethics Committee, in charge of handling ethical issues.
Ethical issues referred to here are violations of the Indonesian Hospital Code of Ethics (KODERSI).
KODERSI, compiled by PERSI (Indonesian Hospital Association).
It contains 5 hospital obligations described in 23 articles.
The five obligations are:
  • General Hospital Obligations
  • Obligations to Society and the Environment
  • Obligations towards patients
  • Obligations towards leaders, staff, and employees
  • Obligations with Related Institutions


In general, the guidelines contained in KODERSI are in the form of outlines or core values that still require more detailed and technical elaboration.
To elaborate KODERSI and implement it in hospital policy, each hospital is recommended to form a Hospital Ethics Committee (KERS).
While at the central branch board level, the Indonesian hospital ethics body is called the Hospital Ethics Honor Council (MAKERSI).

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