Google Trends, Review

Google Trends Trending Detector

1 min read

Google Trends is a graph of search statistics Web which displays the popularity of search topics over a period of time time specific.
Results can be displayed according to city, region or language.
News related to trending topics is also featured here.
By application users can compare their favorite topics with topics of interest across the country. world.
Google Trends will also display how often a topic appears on Google News, and in which regions the topic is most searched for.

On Google Trends one can find out how much people search for Keyword. and where the people searching for those keywords are coming from.
Google Trends can also be useful for blogger to choose a topic blog which is good in the Google search engine.

Now we can even subscribe to emails or notifications if a topic or trade in a country or region we want to know about in real time.
Watch the video below to find out how.

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