Engineering Journal, Journal

Engineering Journal – Wireless Sensor Water Meter Application

1 min read

In this study, a new type of metering device was designed that utilizes wireless technology to send electrical signals read by the FS300A G3/4 water flow sensor that works on the hall-effect principle.
The sensor is calibrated by taking data in the form of pulses to calculate water flow.
The Arduino Uno microcontroller processes the signal read by the sensor and displays it on the LCD.
The device is connected to a wireless sensor network using an Xbee S1 module with a digimesh network topology type that allows the data forwarding process, which is the process of sending data from the node to the webserver through several nodes as a bridge.
In this system, Raspberry Pi model B is used as a webserver to collect data and send it to the server every 30 seconds.
Based on the test results, the relationship between the number of pulses and the amount of water discharge is known, and the maximum range of the node is 34 meters.
In network trials, nodes with a distance of 20 m have a 99% data transmission success rate.
It is hoped that with this tool, water consumption can be monitored more easily and efficiently.

Source: ITS Journal of Engineering Vol. 6

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