What is Zakat on Income or Zakat on profession?
Zakat on income Zakat is part of the zakat maal and must be paid on income.
Although it is generally compulsory for those who have income, not everyone is obliged to pay income tax.
So who is obliged to give it and are there any conditions?
Who is obliged to pay Zakat on Income?
As stated in the Qur’an Surah Al Baqarah verse 257, not everyone can pay zakat on their income.
Those who earn a regular income and get it halal can give professional zakat.
In the Minister of Religious Affairs Regulation No. 52 of 2014, it is further explained that the nishab used is Rp 5,240,000,000/month.
If you meet the above two criteria and are free, old and of sound mind, then you are obliged to give zakaah.
Furthermore, giving zakat can be done every month or summed up in one year. The amount of zakat issued is 2.5% of the total income each month.
In issuing it, it does not necessarily just multiply income by 2.5%.
There are certain conditions that must be met, such as what amount of salary must be multiplied by 2.5%?
Base salary, gross salary?
Or the amount of salary that has been reduced by various daily needs?
Terms of salary that must be tithed
In the regulation of the minister of religion above and in accordance with what is written officially on the website Baznas websiteThe nisab amount is IDR 5,240,000.
So, the nisab amount that has been determined is the basic salary, gross salary, or salary that has been reduced by various daily needs?
The answer is that the 2.5% that must be paid as income tax is taken from gross salary and not net salary.
Gross salary is the total income received each month. So zakat on gross salary income and not what has been deducted for daily needs and so on.
How to Calculate Professional Zakat?
Broadly speaking, the formula for calculating how much professional zakat that must be issued is only multiplied.
The amount of gross income multiplied by 2.5%, then it is known how much professional zakat must be issued.
Example of Calculating Professional Zakat
To calculate professional zakat is easy, you just need to follow the method that has been written above.
An example is as follows:
- Income per month is Rp 6,000,000.00
- The amount of Zakat that must be paid is 2.5%
The way to calculate what must be paid is Rp 6,000,000.00 x 2.5% = Rp 150,000.00 / month.
If you want to spend it once a year, then just multiply it by Rp 150,000.00 x 12 = Rp 1,800,000.00 / year.
Who is Eligible to Receive Zakat on Income
If you already know how much zakat you have to pay, then who is entitled to receive zakat on your income? who is entitled to receive zakat on income?
To find out who is entitled to receive zakat, everything has been written in the Qur’an letter At Taubah verse 60.
According to the letter there are 8 groups who are entitled to receive zakat.
These groups are: the poor, the poor, amil zakat, converts, slaves, gharim, fi sabilillah, and finally ibnu sabil.
All eight groups are entitled to be given zakat.
If you are wrong in giving income zakat, then it only counts as infaq or sadaqah.
How to Distribute Zakat?
To distribute income zakat, you can give it directly to the recipient of income zakat. or through zakat agencies.
In Indonesia, there are various zakat agencies that you can choose to distribute the zakat that you have to pay.
One of these institutions is zakat.kitabisa.com, which will later distribute zakat to the rightful ones.
How to give zakat through Kitabisa.com is very easy, you don’t need to leave the house or come directly to the Kitabisa.com office, just transfer it.
The distribution of zakat carried out by Kitabisa varies, ranging from being given to the poor to orphans.
To make zakat payments directly intended for orphans you can do it through Kitabisa.
Giving zakat to orphans can still be counted as zakat even though it is not included in the 8 groups of zakat recipients.
This condition only applies if the orphan is unable to fulfill his/her needs and the institution that houses the orphan is trustworthy.
So what are you waiting for, immediately pay your zakat obligation before it’s too late through a trusted institution, one of which is Kitabisa.com. By paying income zakat regularly, it is the same as you have helped your fellow Muslims.
Source : https://blog.kitabisa.com/