Article, Server

What is VMware? Virtual Machine Software

2 min read

VMware is a Virtual Machine software (virtual machine) that is useful for running multiple operating systems ( OS) on a hardware (hardware) such as a Personal Computer (PC) or laptop.
This allows us to share hardware memory, so that we seem to have 2 hardware units with different operating systems but are actually incorporated into a single hardware .
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So it can be concluded that VMware is a Software/Software.

VMware itself is hosted by the VMware, Inc company which does provide various products such as Cloud Computing and Virtualization Software.
VMware supports various OS operations such as Windows, Linux and MacOS.
Therefore, users have several options for the OS they want to run simultaneously.
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Advantages of VMware

In addition to the functions previously described, as a VMware user you will get the advantages of this software, including:

  1. When switching PCs from different operating systems, you don’t need to boot or restart because VMware will help the switch directly and both systems can continue to run simultaneously.
  2. Can develop multiplatform applications or software quickly because of the operating system that can run simultaneously
  3. Users can maximize the use of the hardware they have, without having to have additional hardware
  4. Because migration or moving from one system to another is faster and easier, users don’t have to worry about data loss.
  5. This software is also used to learn an operating system, both when learning and when developing an operating system.
  6. Finally, VMware is not tied to the type or brand of hardware because users only need to adjust it to their usage needs.

VMware Type

There are about 13 types of VMware products launched by VMware.Inc.
But at this time we will explain the 3 most popular types used including

  • VMware Workstation, this software allows users to create one or more virtual machines and run them simultaneously.
    Workstations are commonly used to test new operating systems, run applications or test the effects of a virus, without having to worry about losing data stored on computer devices.
    It can also be used as a network simulator or just used to browse unsafe web sites.
  • VMware Server has a working system that is almost the same as VMware Workstation.
    But compared to VMware Workstation, VMware Server has the advantage that it can run virtual machines created by other VMware products.
    VMware Server can also run virtual machines created by Microsoft Virtual PC.
  • VMware Player, used for simpler needs such as daily personal use.
    For example, creating virtual machines on laptops and computers for OS testing, software testing, creating isolated systems, running Linux from within Windows, and various other basic purposes.


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