
Pantai Butuh, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.

1 min read
Butuh Beach is located in Krambil Sawit Village, Sapto Sari Subdistrict, Gunung, Yogyakarta Special Region.
If you’re traveling from Semarang, it takes about 4-5 hours.
Need Beach is in line with Ngeden and Nglimun Beach.
If you want to try counting from other places, please click the more option menu in the left corner of the map.

Need Beach Location Map Via My Maps.

Here are some photos of Butuh Beach
Credit : hajarsabrani

Some things that might be a reference for a travel destination, are:

  • Beach cleanliness is maintained.
  • Still quiet (February 21, 2015).
    There is no tour manager or vendor yet.
  • Suitable for camping, because there are cliffs on both sides of the beach that make most of the beach side not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Cars can get close to the beach.
  • Friendly locals.
There’s always a downside, right?
  • Only a small portion of the beach is used for drying seaweed.
  • There are no bathrooms/wc/stalls of course.


It is ideal for camping enthusiasts in a quiet and tranquil place.
Need Beach area, not too big.

Although you can’t see the sunrise directly, you can see the reddish sky at dusk.
If the weather is clear of course 🙂





Some areas of the beach are not too hot as they are blocked by the surrounding hills and cliffs.
It makes relaxing more enjoyable.



Some areas of the beach are used for drying seaweed owned by residents in Saptosari Subdistrict.
The seaweed can dry in one day if the weather is sunny.
Residents sell it to collectors around Saptosari Sub-district.

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