Google Maps, Tutorial

How to Send Google Maps Route to Cell Phone

1 min read

If you are used to working with a PC or laptop like me, of course all activities on smartphones as much as possible we can run also on a PC / laptop.
Example of using WhatsApp with WhatsApp Web on PC.

The same is true when I search for an address on Google Maps.
I search on my PC and then send it to my smartphone. So that later when I go to a location that I have never visited before, and am a bit confused, I don’t have to retype the address on Google Maps.
Just click the link that I sent earlier from the PC.

Check out how to do it below.

send google maps route to cell phone
Link to send route maps to phone
type of send google maps route to cell phone
Maps notification type options

We can also choose to send the route as a pop up (top option), email or sms.
I myself, usually use email.
Because if it’ s a pop up, sometimes it gets lost if you swipe 😀

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