Tutorial, Wordpress

Category Image – WordPress Plugin

1 min read

The navigation of a website is very influential on user comfort.
In wordpress we know there are categories and tags that are used to qualify content.
But did you know that these content categories can be used to create navigation pages to make it easier for users to find content.

Usually, we place it in the sidebar with a list of content categories to make it easier for users to find the type of content they are looking for.
It will be more interesting if we place it on a page, accompanied by an image as an illustration of each category.
Like this example.

category image

Interesting, isn’t it?
You can do this on your website by using the Post Category Image plugin.
The free version can already help us display categories with simple images without animation.
For the example above, you can use the shortcode that I compiled below:

[pci-cat-slider slidestoshow="5" term_id="14,6" show_title="false" show_count="false"]

For the procedure for using the plugin, you can visit the official plugin page.
The guide is very complete.
If you have any questions, you can comment below.
Good luck!

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