
Out of Delivery Range – Beautiful Logistics

1 min read

On September 4, 2019, I received a message from Indah Logistik regarding a 45kg package sent from Bandung.
The message informed me that their courier could not deliver the package because my residence was not included in Indah Logistik’s delivery area.

After looking for information on the internet regarding the coverage area of this logistics company, it turns out that none of the official information about the coverage area that I got.
There was one page that attached a pdf file containing the coverage area of this logistics, and after I checked the area where I live is still included in the coverage area of the delivery.

If you need, you can download via the following link: List of Beautiful Logistics Coverage Areas.pdf

After I confirmed this coverage area to the contact who sent me the information that my residence was out of delivery range, they said that my residence was too far away.
Indeed, my residence is actually in the corner of West Ungaran sub-district.
But that shouldn’t be a reason if it’s still within the delivery area.

When I tried to contact them by phone, out of 5 Indah Logistik offices in Semarang and Jakarta, one could not be reached and the rest did not pick up after repeated calls.

The last step I took was to report the issue to the online store where I bought the product.

As of today, September 11, 2019 I have not received my package.
If I could carry the 45kg package on my motorcycle, I wouldn’t have thought twice about giving in and taking it to the logistics warehouse.

Have you had similar experiences with this delivery company?

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