Tutorial, Wordpress

Briefly Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance

1 min read

Briefly Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance adalah notifikasi yang biasa muncul di website kita, saat proses update tema/plugin di wordpress sedang kita lakukan. Terkadang proses update tersebut tidak terlaksana sempurna. Atau ada error yang terjadi di tengah proses yang sedang berlangsung. Sehingga kita tidak dapat mengakes website kita, dan juga panel admin wordpress kita juga. Untuk itu, lakukan langkah-langkah berikut untuk menghilangkan tampilan Briefly Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance tersebut.

  • Silakan masuk ke cPanel webhosting blog anda atau folder xampp/htdocs/folderwordepressanda
  • Setelah berhasil masuk, silakan buka file manager kemudian public_html
  • Setelah masuk ke folder public_html, Anda akan menemukan file yang bernama .maintenance. File inilah yang menyebabkan WordPress menjadi error. Agar error tersebut hilang, silakan hapus file yang bernama .maintenance tersebut lalu reload dashboard blog Anda. Jika Anda tidak menemukan file tersebut, silahkan centang dulu “Show Hidden Files”.
  • Selesai.

Coba akses kembali panel amin wordpress kalian dan website kalian. Semoga berhasil.

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Tutorial, Wordpress

Briefly Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance

1 min read

Briefly Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance is a notification that usually appears on our website, when the theme/plugin update process in wordpress is being done.
Sometimes the update process is not carried out perfectly.
Or there is an error that occurs in the middle of the ongoing process.
So we can’t access our website, and also our wordpress admin panel too.
For that, do the following steps to eliminate the Briefly Unavailable For Scheduled Maintenance display.

  • Please go to your blog’s webhosting cPanel or xampp/htdocs/folderwordepressanda folder
  • After successfully logging in, please open the file manager then public_html
  • After going into the public_html folder, you ll find a file called .maintenance.
    This is the file that’s causing WordPress to crash.
    To fix the error, delete the .maintenance file and reload your blog dashboard.
    If you can’t find the file, check “Show Hidden Files” first.
  • Finish.

Try accessing your wordpress amen panel and your website again.
Good luck.

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