Article, Health

Price Limit of Rapid Antigen Test

3 min read

Price Limit for Rapid Antigen Tests.
The Ministry of Health through the Directorate General of Community Services sets the highest tariff limit for testing Rapid Test Antigen-Swab.
That is
Rp250,000 for Java Island and Rp275,000 for outside Java Island.
This provision is contained in Circular Letter (SE) Number HK.02.02/I/4611/2020 issued on December 18, 2020.

[google-drive-embed url=”” title=”MOH Circular – Rapid Atigen Cost Cap.pdf” icon=”” width=”100%” height=”400″ style=”embed”]

The Rapid Antigen-Swab Test is one way to detect the presence of genetic material or specific proteins from the SARS CoV-2 Virus.
The Antigen-Swab test is carried out when going on domestic travel activities with a validity period of 14 days.

To ensure its safety, rapid tests must be carried out by health workers who have competence.
Originating from health care facilities, and using operational standards that are believed by health workers.

Secretary of the Directorate General of Health Services Azhar Jaya stated that the determination of the highest tariff limit is a form of certainty.
Against the price disparity of the Rapid Test Antigen-Swab examination at health service facilities.
The determination of costs is carried out through joint discussions between the Ministry of Health and the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).
Based on the results of surveys and analysis at health service facilities.

“The limitation of this examination rate is a form of certainty of the Rapid Test Antigen examination rate through swab collection for the public and service providers, as well as providing guarantees to the public so that it is easy to get the Rapid Test Antigen-Swab examination service,” said Azhar in a Joint Press Conference of the Ministry of Health and BPKP on the Determination of the Highest Tariff Limit for Rapid Test Antigen-Swab Examination at the BPKP Office Jakarta on Friday (18/12).

Rapid Antigen Test Price Limit Considerations

Meanwhile, Deputy for Supervision of Security and Defense of BPKP Faisal said that the determination of the highest tariff limit had gone through careful consideration in accordance with the components and business processes ranging from sampling, sample processing, to medical waste management.

In addition, elements such as human resources including pathologists, health workers who take swabs, processing, and those who make certificates, consumable costs such as reagents, coveralls, and administrative costs are also taken into account.
He believes that the figures set are as effective as possible so that they can be reached by the entire community.

“Together with the Ministry of Health, we have held discussions for a price that does not burden the public.
During these two days we have calculated the cost structure by considering the business process of the Rapid Test Antigen-Swab,” Faisal explained.

Socialization of Rapid Antigen Test Price Limit

Azhar emphasized that the Circular Letter will soon be sent to all Heads of Provincial and Regency / City Health Offices, Hospital Directors, Heads of All Indonesian Hospital Associations, Heads of Indonesian Clinical Associations, Heads of Indonesian Primary Health Care Clinics and Facilities Associations, Heads of All Indonesian Health Service Associations, and Heads of the Indonesian Clinical Laboratory Association regarding the highest tariff limit for antigen-swab rapid test examinations.

In the Circular, it is emphasized that the highest tariff rate only applies to people who perform swabs at their own request, and does not apply to health service facilities that receive grants/assistance of equipment/reagents/APD/BHP from the government.

Along with the determination of the upper limit of the highest tariff for the Rapid Test Antigen-Swab examination through this SE, Azhar requested that the provisions be followed by all health service facilities.

“For this reason, we hope that all provincial, district and city offices will supervise health service facilities.
In terms of imposing the highest price for antigen swab collection,” said Azhar. (PUBLIC RELATIONS KEMENKES/UN)


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