Article, Health

What is HbSAg?

2 min read
Every year, companies that fall under article 2 paragraph (2) of Law No.1 of 1970 are required to conduct periodic health checks for their employees.
Hospitals fall into the category of places where materials or goods are made, processed, used, utilized, traded, transported or stored: explosive, flammable, biting, toxic, infectious, high temperature.
Therefore, hospitals are very obliged to carry out periodic checks on their employees.
However, the Minister of Manpower & Transmigration Regulation No. 2 Year 1980 does not specify the types of examinations.
HbSAg examination is one of the special examinations conducted during the periodic examination program.
In medical terms, HbsAg stands for Hepatitis B surface Antigen.
It is a surface protein of the hepatitis B virus. Then related to the term is HBsAb or Hepatitis B surface Antibody, which is an antibody protein produced by the body to fight the hepatitis B virus.
So it can be said that HBsAg is the opposite of HBsAb.
Another term is HBcAb (Hepatitis B core Antibody) which is an antibody protein produced by the body in response to the hepatitis B virus core protein. In the laboratory, HBsAg test is one of the tests that must be done to detect signs of Hepatitis B disease, in addition to HBsAb and HBcAb tests.
This means that the results of the HBsAg test can show whether or not the hepatitis B virus is present in the body.
If the result is positive or called HBsAG reactive, it means there is hepatitis B virus in the body.
Meanwhile, if the result is negative, it means there is no virus.
Infection by the hepatitis B virus at first often does not show any symptoms.
Usually, the patient still feels healthy and fine.
However, when the disease progresses, the symptoms of hepatitis B appear, such as yellow skin and eyes, urine that is dark like old tea, abdominal discomfort, and so on.
HBsAb test results show the body’s response to exposure to the hepatitis B virus.
If the result is positive or reactive, it means that the body already has an anti-body substance against the hepatitis B virus. This condition can be found in patients who have received hepatitis B immunization or have been exposed to the hepatitis B virus but then recovered.
HBsAb reactive is actually “good”, because it means that the body already has immunity to future exposure to the hepatitis B virus.
But if the HBcAB test result is reactive or positive, it can indicate two possibilities:
1. Patients have been infected in the past
2. Viral infection is ongoing at the moment.
Meanwhile, if the results of the examination of reactive HBcAb values and also reactive HBsAb values simultaneously, it means that the patient has been infected and but is currently cured.
However, if the test results show a reactive HBcAb value along with a reactive HBsAg value, it means that the patient is infected.

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